Monday, 14 March 2011

Entertainment Industry & Classical Music

With the sky rocketing electronic channels and film industry the country's music industry is facing a big boom. The rising popularity of TV channels and entertainment business in general has created a big demand for music professionals. The high has come about not only due to various channels but due to fast changing lifestyle as well in India.

The popolarity has come from many quarters especially the ever widening platforms such as Computer, lap tops, mobile phones and what not. In short music has become more accessible with big boost coming from Internet - video streaming, MP3, digital media - CD - DVDs and more to emerge. 

The base for any music whether it is light music, pop and rock or filmy music is classical. Hence with increasing production in music industry there is new opening emerging from the entertainment industry in India. The demand is not futuristic, it is there right now as you witness the surge in rise of new comers who qualify for the best delivery. 

India has a strong base for training in classical music and performing arts. There a number of colleges or schools of music in India. Some of the modern music schools employ a training strategy that is more concurrent with changing times. The traditional gharanas stick to their rigorous methods of imparting skill to students. Their indulgent in light music is limited to classical forms like ghazals and thumri.       

The shift is more towards light filmy music and heart throbbing pop though ghazal retains its popularity. Hence the paradigm now lays more stress on creativity on light music that conforms to the demand of entertainment industry.  

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